- 不需要居住在美国.S. 而不需要向利记sbo提供当地的U.S. address.
- 必须注册全日制(本科12学分, 研究生6学分, doctorate students credit requirements vary by program) each fall and spring semester; summer enrollment is optional.
- I-20将为整个学位课程撰写,包括整个课程的费用和资金.
- 相同的SEVIS记录与相同的SEVIS ID号为整个程序.
- I-901费用350美元.00 USD will be paid on the same SEVIS record/SEVIS ID number; no need to transfer it to any other record.
- 学生将在进入美国时收到I-94.S. at start of program; student while retain I-94 throughout program while commuting between Canada and U.S. 去上课.
- 没有资格在校园工作.
- 完成一个完整学年的学习后,有资格获得CPT工作授权.
- 在完成一个完整学年的学习后,有资格获得预完成OPT工作授权.
- 在完成学习计划后,有资格获得毕业后OPT, 假设学生至少注册了一个完整的学年
- All of the above is based on continuous full-time enrollment and commuting from Canada each fall and spring semester until program is completed; summer enrollment is not required.
A. 阿尔弗雷德·陶布曼学生服务中心
Adam Berry 副主任 248.204.3170 aberry@51rkb.com | 阿曼达Ciolek 国际顾问 248.204.3178 aciolek@51rkb.com | 莎拉·罗伯茨 国际顾问 248.204.2116 sroberts@51rkb.com |